During the Covid-19 crisis Tech Japan Advocates and our affiliates worldwide have delayed and shifted programs to remote conferences and presentations using video platforms.
Tech Japan Advocates Events & News
London Tech Week 2023:
London Tech Week brings innovative thinkers and talent of tomorrow and showcasing how technology is transforming business and society during 12th-16th June. For details about 2023 event.
Tech Thailand Advocates : March 2023
On 16th March 2023, Tech Thailand Advocates, the newest group in the Global Tech Advocates, launches in Bangkok. For details of the launch event and registration.
“GTA Summit 2022: India”
In November 2022, Global Tech Advocates and Tech India Advocates host the GTA Summit in India. The GTA Summit is an opportunity to understand how India’s tech ecosystem is evolving, and to meet the entrepreneurs and investors behind the country’s most successful tech companies. There is more information here about the event.
“London Tech Week 2022”
The UK’s tech flagship event will return on 13-17 June. A large number of in-person and virtual events are organized each year with tech leaders, start-up founders, investments experts and VC’s and many participants. For details and registration.
“Tech for Net Zero”
Global Tech Advocates is launching Tech for Net Zero (link here), an initiative to support the private sector to:
- Accelerate the growth of startups using technology to address climate change
- Minimise the environmental impact of tech startups around the world
Please show your support for the GTA Climate Commitments by signing the pledge. GTA Tech for Net Zero – Climate Commitments here.
“Tech for Net Zero” | current activities
Please let us know about how your company is addressing about environmental impacts. Tech for Net Zero survey here.
Global Tech Advocates explore investor perspectives at the Investor Showcase 3.0, the Tech for Net Zero Edition. Sign up here for a hybrid event on 30th June 2021.
New Digital Magazine | GTA Connects
Global Tech Advocates announced the launch of GTA Connects, a new digital magazine covering news, analysis and insights for the international grassroots tech community. Read here.
“London Tech Week 2021”
The world’s inspirational tech thinkers, leaders, speakers and rising stars will meet for a week of collaborative discussion and innovative thinking at the London Tech Week 2021.
Fintech Webinar
The Embassy of Japan in the UK hosts a webinar ‘Japan as an International Financial Centre and Its Future’ on 17th June 2021. For details and registration.
Latest Report on Digital Innovations in Nordic and Baltic
The latest and insightful report with a lot of interviews has been published in April 2021. The report from JBIC IG PARTNERS and NORDIC NINJA VC, here.
UK Investors-Japan Fin Tech Online Meetup Event
The Embassy of Japan in the UK and FinTech Association of Japan (FAJ) co-host the Interactive online discussion on FinTech landscape in Japan with FinTech entrepreneurs and international investors on 24th March 2021. For more detail and prior registration.
Japan-UK Investor Bridge Discussion: October 2020
Tech Japan Advocates and the Tech London Advocates Venture Capital Working Group held the first Investor Bridge Roundtable Discussion in October 2020. Investors from Japan and UK joined this video discussion. Please see the highlights and summary here.
HP and Global Tech Advocates present School of Thought webcast series | Managing change in the age of hyper acceleration.
The Japan/UK Investor Roundtable Discussion
Originally slated for March is being re-scheduled to the Autumn 2020, in which 16-20 investors from Japan and the UK will participate individually from their offices and homes. Additional TJA virtual events are being planned for the end of 2020 or early 2021, to include:
- HealthTech
- FinTech/Blockchain
- Data/AI
- Transportation/Mobility
Tech London Advocates
Has helped to sponsor several remote video innovation conferences, including:
- LTW Connects and Virtual CogX were held across several days in June and attracted thousands of attendees.
- The TLA Covid-19 Resource Hub was launched in June. It is organized to help early-stage tech companies to engage with mentors, individually and in workshop-style video meet-ups (https://www.techlondonadvocates.org.uk/covid-19/).
- London Tech Week will now be held from the 2nd through the 10th of September (https://londontechweek.com/), in London and internationally using video conferencing.
For more information about Global Tech Advocates and London Tech Advocates events, please refer to the following links to their event calendars:
JETRO Online Seminar
JETRO’s Invest Japan Business Support Center presents the webinar ~Open Innovation in Japanese Medical Device Industry~ on 10th December 2020. Information and free-of-charge registration.
Department of International Trade
British Embassy Tokyo
As part of “UK in JAPAN 2019-20” campaign from September 2019 through 2020, GREAT Weeks is showcasing the UK’s strengths in business, science and
innovations are being organized and are promoting further business and academic collaboration between the UK and Japan through trade missions, seminars, receptions, and panel discussions. The Covid-19 crisis interrupted several of these events, but others have been scheduled using video conferencing. For more information re: British DIT Events, please refer to:
UK Department for International Trade – Japan:
UK Department for International Trade Events:
Venture Cafe Tokyo Weekly Events